983T2001F Laptop Battery for BENQ U1213 U121-E14 U122 U1216

Do you want to buy a cheap Benq 983T2001F Laptop Battery? We offer you a cheap Benq 983T2001F Laptop Battery - an incredibly high quality Laptop Battery! All Benq 983T2001F are brand new,1 year Warranty, 100% Guarantee Quality and Fully Test!

Specifications of the Benq 983T2001F Laptop Battery:

Benq 983T2001F Laptop Battery compatible product number

U1213 983T2001F

Benq 983T2001F compatible Laptop Battery model

U121 Series
Joybook U121SC01
Joybook U121LC01
Joybook U121-Eco
Joybook U1216
Joybook U121-SC01
Joybook U121-LC01
Joybook U121-E14
Benq 2C.20E06.021
Benq U1216
Benq U1213
Benq 983T2002F
Benq 983T2001F
Benq 8390-EH01-0580

How To Care Your Benq 983T2001F Laptop Battery?

1. Do not incinerate or expose Benq 983T2001F battery to excessive heat, which may result in an exposure.

2. Do not modify or disassemble the 983T2001F Laptop Battery.

3. Do not pierce, hit, step on, crush or abuse the battery 983T2001F.

4. Do not expose Benq 983T2001F battery to water or other moist matters.

5. Do not short circuit the terminals or store your 983T2001F battery pack with metal objects such as necklaces or hairpins.

6. Do not place battery for Benq 983T2001F notebook in device for a long period of time if device is not being used.

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